hard to prove

美 [hɑːrd tu pruːv]英 [hɑːd tu pruːv]
  • 难以证明
hard to provehard to prove
  1. Other theories run into the problem of being hard to prove .


  2. He went on : Although they are hard to prove these claims can get really ugly .


  3. It is not hard to prove the above two properties by induction .


  4. It wasn 't hard to prove he started the fire .


  5. That would itself be market abuse - but would be hard to prove .


  6. In practice these are hard to prove .


  7. These things are really hard to prove .


  8. Hard to prove either way .


  9. Grant that you are correct , you may find it hard to prove your point .


  10. It is hard to prove that these factors are related , but they do seem to form a pattern .


  11. Artificial rainmaking is practised in many countries but its success is hard to prove .


  12. Even it is hard to prove that the USA exists , not to mention other planets .


  13. Mr. Binney 's claims were hard to prove .


  14. With a few exceptions , an oral agreement is enforceable but will often be hard to prove .


  15. This has been hard to prove , however , because the counterfactual whether things are any better at private companies lacks data .


  16. Folk tales have long held that the lights also produce odd sounds , but the claims were hard to prove .


  17. But another property that was easy to guess , but very hard to prove , was that the primes would always thin out ,


  18. The latter is hard to prove , although the oil price has come down recently as talk of further QE has receded .


  19. The fact that you caused no damage and did not steal any data is not only irrelevant , it may actually be hard to prove !


  20. Water pollution has universality and sociality so that local prevention and cure such as sporadic and small - scale measures is hard to prove effective .


  21. And that can be hard to prove since clinics may notrevealsuch things about their donors due to confidentiality agreements , immigration law experts say .


  22. Mu Yuanguang , HR manager at Hainan Airlines , also urged graduates not to try too hard to prove themselves .


  23. It is hard to prove , but high frequency economics reckons it is likely that the families most in debt have few financial assets to sell .


  24. Things like this are always hard to prove , but we have it on good authority that beer was among the provisions Noah loaded onto the ark .


  25. Nailing offenders can be tricky , since people often share an internet connection and it is hard to prove which of them used it to download files illegally .


  26. Because it is hard to prove the correctness of software behavior through testing approaches , effective test techniques are usually correlated with some faulty models therefore called as faulty-model-oriented testing .


  27. One of the major concerns though hard to prove is that hormone-based contraceptives close epiphysis of bone early [ preventing bones from reaching its full height ] .


  28. Perjury is hard to prove : it requires the prosecution to demonstrate that the defendant not only lied , but did so knowingly .


  29. The idea of crocodile tears as scientific fact has been incredibly hard to prove , as most crocodiles aren 't the easiest animals to study up close and also tend to eat in the water .


  30. it is actually very hard to ever prove that people are wrong about themselves .
